the secret keeper who can't keep a secret

Yesterday, I came home from work and started getting dinner ready when Craig said, hey did you see I did the dishes? I said, Yes! Thank you so much! He said, did you notice any other changes I made? I had no idea what change he could have made...I checked the bed, nope not made...checked the fridge for any love notes...nope no change, I had no idea what he was talking about. Give me a hint, I said. He said, It's not about our apartment. I said, Is it in our apartment? Right now it is, he said. I went on cooking, trying to rack my brain to figure this out. He laughed after a quiet moment and said, You're dying to figure this out aren't you? He thought it was SO hilarious...I said, what room is it in? He said, the living room (which he was in). I said, Is it you? He said, Maybe...maybe not. :) I said, you come finish this chicken and I am going to figure it out. So I walked around the house trying to figure it out. He said, it is something we talked about before we moved in to the apartment. That was no help to me. Finally, he came over to me and kissed me. He said, that's your hint. I was so confused. He kissed me again. Lol. Nothin. My only guess was mistletoe on the ceiling fan...nope. :) Then, he kissed me a last time and moved his chin around...and I figured it out....HE SHAVED HIS SOUL PATCH OFF HIS CHIN! Haha. He said, It took you 2 and a half days to figure that out! You said you liked it, but you didn't even notice it was gone. I said, Oh my! You look so different without it! Haha. Okay, so you don't look that different, but I do like it better with your soul patch.

He waited as long as he could (2 1/2 days) without saying anything. It finally got the best of him and he just had to tell me. I think he just shaved it so I wouldn't notice it was gone. Just to spite me. :) 
He'll never let me live this one down. :)


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