The Not So Big Move

 We had to move out of our lovely apartment this week for 5 days. =) The couple we are renting from told us before the wedding that we could only stay for the month of June because their family comes in July. Then, they told us we would only have to move out for 5 days over the 4th of July holiday and could then move back in for the rest of July. So we moved out on Monday and Tuesday and moved in to Craig's old bedroom in his parent's basement. At least he had a queen bed and his own bathroom! =) They seem to leave us alone down one really comes down to much, except the dog to greet us in the morning. =)
 Back to the move...after work on Tuesday, we were going to go back to the apartment to get the last car load of boxes and clean the apartment. I asked Craig if he wanted to go with me or if he needed the time to study. He said, well I want to go, but I have about 5 hours of studying left. What do you want me to do? I said, it's okay. I can go by myself and clean. You get your studying done. This was at 3:00pm. 
 I went alone and packed and cleaned. I got back around 5 and Craig begins telling me a funny story. He said that his mom invited him to get some coffee at Courthouse Coffee and then come back. So he said yes, thinking it would be a short 10 minute trip. Well, little did he know that his mom left her wallet somewhere while running errands earlier that day, so she had to go run around town trying to find it. He ended up being stranded at his sister's house for an hour. 
 I was dumbfounded. I said when was this? He said 3:15. I said, 3:15 TODAY?! He said, yeah. I said, So much for the 5 hours of studying you had to get in today! 15 minutes after you told me you couldn't clean because you have to study you go spend an hour getting coffee with your mom...real convenient Craig. =) Lol. I can laugh at this now. I was surprisingly not that mad about it, but I like to tease him about these situations. He is really going to love this blog. I can already tell. =) Maybe he'll get on here sometime and post my embarrassing stories. Or tell his side of the story. =)
 Hope you enjoyed our first post. Hopefully more fun posts to come.


  1. HA! Great story. Yes, Craig is going to have to defend himself everyone once in a while. Otherwise we will just have fun at his expense. :)

    Your wedding was beautiful and we loved being a part of the special day. Hope you are well- we are closing on our new house on Aug 8th. It has an extra room for when you come to visit us; or as Chris said, for when you need a place to stay while you are house hunting in Indy! ;)


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