Birth story
It may have been caused by an overloaded weekend, but that's beside the point. Saturday I worked a 5 hr shift and had maternity photos taken. Sunday I hosted a baby shower and helped with the 5th and 6th graders at church. Monday I worked a 4 hour shift. I had been feeling some painful contractions on Sunday night and Monday morning but laying down seemed to help them go away. So I went ahead and worked Monday night. I had a couple of contractions that I had to sit down during but wasn't awfully painful. When I got home, contractions started around 9pm about 10 minutes apart for 3-4 hrs. I had a few that we're under 10 min so I woke Craig up. We knew we needed a 45 min buffer for someone to come stay with Jaden. Craig's mom arrived around 1am and although I was not certain I was in true labor (but sure those contractions were definitely there) we headed to the hospital. I didn't have a contraction all the way to the hospital (which thinking back now is less than 10 min away) but I was still doubtful they would keep me. At this point I was thankful for the contractions so I could "prove" to them I was in labor. We got admitted and the nurse seemed pretty skeptical that I was in labor. I was at 2 cm and the monitor said I had only had 1 contraction while being there. (a little offensive when youre the one experiencing them) Called the dr on call (not our dr) and he made the call that we stay for a couple of hrs to be monitored since my last labor went pretty quickly. She readjusted the monitor on me and realized the contractions were consistent and fairly strong (glad it wasn't up to you, lady to send me home!!). She checked me around 4:30 and I was 4 cm so they said I would most likely have a baby that day. The pain began to get worse and the contractions were very hard to get through. I was so exhausted I laid in the hospital bed most of the time which made it harder to get through them. I walked and sat up as much as I could handle but I finally asked for a half dose of fentanyl to take the edge off of the contractions. It helped me relax more between them and the pain was a little more bearable but for only about an hour. Then the pain was Almost unbearable. Around 6:30 I called the nurse in and asked for the rest of the fentanyl and immediately after she gave it to me I felt the pressure to push. I was bummed that I didn't wait one more minute to get the meds but thankfully it was almost over. (she said oh i should have checked you first...ya NOW you tell me...was not as impressed with the nursing staff this time around). They called my doctor and he was on his way to the hospital. (sounds nice, but that was about 20 min of holding that baby in when body wants to push him out!!! Pure torture!) Doc got there at 7, broke my water, and baby Tyler was born at 7:08. Only 8 minutes of pushing but boy did it feel longer than that! He was so teeny there on my chest. So precious. Lots of hair and red skin! Thought about calling him Esau. Ha. He weighed 5 lbs 11 oz and was 18 3/4 in long. A little peanut. He passed all his tests and got an apgar score of 9 out of 10. He was either ready early or (what I think) our dates were wrong/off by a couple of weeks. He is perfect. So sweet and a really good baby. My labor with Jaden was almost identical, I just spent the night in the hospital rather than at home this time. I only tore a little bit and had a couple is stitches. Last time, I had major surgery to repair tears. So thankful he was here safe and sound. He latched on right away too which I am thankful for. We all love him so much and are so glad to be a family of 4!
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