How far along? 35 weeks

Total weight gain: 25 lbs

Maternity clothes? Exclusively. But struggling daily to keep my pants up.
Stretch marks? None have appeared and no linea negra. So weird! 

Sleep: Been sleeping fairly well minus a few nights when it takes me over an hour to fall back asleep.
Best moment this week: Watching Jaden put the pieces together that a baby is coming to our house soon!

Miss Anything? My own body. Somebody has taken over.
Movement: Maybe he has slowed down a little but not much. 

Food cravings: Well the snickers at Halloween sure were delicious. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. 

Gender: We are all set for a boy!

Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions/tightening often. Especially when I'm active.

Symptoms: heart burn today...not a normal symptom for me!

 Belly Button in or out? Ellen told me my timer was sticking out!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on!

Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm not gonna lie...I have been awfully grumpy. 

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready hopefully by the end of next week!


  1. I was thinking about how you were sooo close to being due! :) oh my! Can't believe it is right around the corner! and I'm so excited to learn his name! :)


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