Mom's Morning

I started going to a group at church called Mom's Morning that meets every Thursday morning. I was so very encouraged and felt like part of the community of the church, and even of the moms! The lady that shared today spoke on controlling your emotions. She was so encouraging and challenging through her testimony. The analogy she gave really summarized her lesson well. Our situations or our struggles are like the black lines on a coloring page. They serve as boundaries for our emotions. God wants us to have emotions, that is how he created us, but if our emotions are all gray, our picture or our perspective will be quite bland. If we scribble all magenta and purple all over the page and go outside the lines, we have crossed the boundaries God wants us to keep our emotions in. We can use our emotions to make our situation beautiful, we just have to have a balance of them and keep them in check.
I don't know if I explained that well (not nearly as well as she did I'm sure), but it really made an impact on me. I know I will have many many more emotions to come soon, but I am so blessed to have women to surround me at Mom's Morning for the adventure of motherhood that is to come. : )


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