baby blue for baby boy!
It seems like we just got married, moved to St. Louis, and moved back to have our adventure in Plymouth, Indiana (oh wait....we did!) and now we have a REAL adventure on our hands...or we will in 5 months! Most of you already know, but for record's sake, we are expecting our first baby, due February 2nd, 2011. We are thrilled at this unexpected surprise! Although it hasn't tested our patience quite yet, I'm sure it will in due time and will also build our trust in God's provision for our family.
People ask me what the best part of being pregnant is and I know it is knowing that God has chosen me to carry this precious miracle that He designed and someday he will be ours to keep, love, enjoy, and raise to love the Lord who brought him into the world. I haven't even felt him yet inside me, but I know that I love him already and that God has a purpose for his life on this earth. I am looking sooo forward to staying home with him to help him grow and learn each day.
We had an ultrasound this past week and it was the most incredible experience for us. I never knew how clear it looked on the monitor. The pictures just do not do justice to the clear baby we saw in the hospital room! He is growing perfectly they say. We got to see all the bones, the fingers and toes, the heart beating, the brain, the bloodflow...all which the nurse said looked great. I am so thankful for that. The nurse was so so helpful and understanding that this was our first baby and our first ultrasound. She printed about 30 pictures, with duplicates for each of us to have!
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the ultrasound:

We are so excited it is a boy (as well we would have if it was a girl), but are getting excited about creating a nursery for him and registering for cute outfits and necessities we will need. I think he will by default be a cubs, colts, and north carolina fan because his daddy is such a die hard fan for those teams. I also have a feeling he will have his choice of sports to play as he grows older, also by default of having a sports loving dad and a P.E. major Mom...haha.
As soon as we get the nursery ready, I will post pictures of it! Here are a few maternity pictures that Carla has taken of me for the scrapbooks, and just in case Facebook goes out of style, I will have them here as well. :)
As fast as I'm growing, he may be a big boy...or the second one in there was hiding PRETTTY well. Time will only tell! Stay tuned for this sweet boy to come into our lives!
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