May has been a full month already and it's only the 12th! December and May are our big months of family events, birthdays, and holidays all rolled into one busy month.
To get it all started, Craig and his dad built a jungle gym to add on to our 2 swings they built 2 years ago. They spent a whole day on it and built a 2 story wood playset with a small red slide on the bottom level and a cool lookout on the top level. They boys love it. We play pirates, Peter Pan, and ball tag on the top look out. Our PVC sandbox my grandpa made for the boys fits nicely underneath. Our biggest struggle lately is which boy gets the blue baby swing. So it has been nice to have a distraction for the "waiter".
Next on the list of events is Craig's birthday! He turned 28 this year. He got breakfast in bed, thanks to the boys sleeping in so I could get it prepared. I told Jaden that Daddy got breakfast in bed. He looked at me with wide eyes and said, "And he didn't sleep?!" He definitely thinks he wants breakfast in bed on his birthday! We got him Jimmy Johns for lunch, the boys each picked him out a balloon, and some GF/DF candy. Then, we made a yummy dinner and gave him money towards a new grill and cubs tickets!

Next on the list, Mother's Day! We usually celebrate our holidays a day early with just us 4, so Saturday morning, I was greeted with breakfast in bed! Jaden said Happy Mother's Day and wanted to eat breakfast in bed with me! So Craig brought him a towel and waffle too! Then they gave me some options to choose from for what we were going to do that day. I picked going to Pottery Bayou in Winona Lake to make a piece of pottery with the boys' handprints. I made a white vase to go in our bedroom with our bedroom colors for the handprints and some flowers. The vase will be ready in a week! The boys LOVED the handprinting. Jaden went first and Tyler showed us (through grunts and body language) that he desperately wanted to try it next! He kept "talking" about it afterwards too!
To get it all started, Craig and his dad built a jungle gym to add on to our 2 swings they built 2 years ago. They spent a whole day on it and built a 2 story wood playset with a small red slide on the bottom level and a cool lookout on the top level. They boys love it. We play pirates, Peter Pan, and ball tag on the top look out. Our PVC sandbox my grandpa made for the boys fits nicely underneath. Our biggest struggle lately is which boy gets the blue baby swing. So it has been nice to have a distraction for the "waiter".
Big Helper! Nothing like free reign of power tools!
loves his picture taken
All done!
Next on the list of events is Craig's birthday! He turned 28 this year. He got breakfast in bed, thanks to the boys sleeping in so I could get it prepared. I told Jaden that Daddy got breakfast in bed. He looked at me with wide eyes and said, "And he didn't sleep?!" He definitely thinks he wants breakfast in bed on his birthday! We got him Jimmy Johns for lunch, the boys each picked him out a balloon, and some GF/DF candy. Then, we made a yummy dinner and gave him money towards a new grill and cubs tickets!
Then, Craig's family celebrated with us by taking us miniature golfing, go karting, and to Koto Japanese Steakhouse. SO fun!

next, a last day, half-off venti
vanilla bean frappuccino!
(I shared, I promise)
Sunday was celebrating our mom's. We took Craig's mom out to a GF Italian Restaurant for lunch and then to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo! I had so much fun using my new Cannon camera and zoom lens for many of the pictures I took! (I only took 740 pictures...I thought maybe I had broken 1000).
maybe one of my favorite animal photos:
this one was pretty cool too:
I just love these boys. And these zoo letters.
Last, but certainly not least, we had a dessert celebration with my mom, my siblings, and my mom's parents. Such an amazing woman, I have as a mother. She is constantly giving, sacrificing, loving, serving, blessing, and spoiling me and my family, and anyone she comes into contact with, basically. She is the most selfless person I know. I love her so deeply. Not sure what I would do without her. She is much like her mother, and I am much like my mother. I could not wish to be like someone more honorable. I love this family God has blessed me with!
All in all, a fabulous weekend to spend with my special husband, children, and mothers in my life. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, young and old. Being a mother is the hardest job on Earth, but the absolute best job, and for me, it has only begun.
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