Heaven Is For Real

Last night, I started and finished the best book I have ever read. It is called Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo. I am going to purchase it and share it with as many people that will read it. Whether or not this sweet boy actually went to heaven, I have been encouraged by his stories and have greater faith because of it. It is all I can think about today and I feel like I know Christ just a little better, even though I have heard much of the Scripture the author used. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, and I could not even do close to justice to describe it the way little Colton does, so just read it for yourself. I do not know how someone could read it and not believe in their heart that Heaven is For Real.


  1. So, I finally made my way to reading your blog... (which, by the way, is great!)...
    Anyways, I loved this book. I was reading it the week after I miscarried our 2nd child. Reading the part about his sister in Heaven... let's just say that my sorrow became lesser and I was given peace and joy about the ultimate Caretaker caring for our little one. Keep writing. You are good at it!


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