Jaden is 3 months!
How does a mom PICK her favorite photos?!?! Thankfully, I am blessed with a sister who gives me all of the photos so I don't have to chose. But here are my top 5, but I love all the other ones too. :) Thank you, Carla! You are the best!

Last night was a big storm in Plymouth, IN. I was actually in Fort Wayne, Indiana all day with Craig's mom and sister. So we got back to Warsaw around 8, hoping to get me back before Jaden's 9:00 bedtime routine. Little did I know, the storm that was brewing! Craig told me I might have to wait it out at their house, but gave me the go ahead because it was going North. He thought it would pass by the time I got there. Jaden hasn't been liking the car much lately, so I thought he would scream the whole way home, especially because it was after 8 (his worse time of night in the car). But I put on his favorite - Talk Radio :) - and he fell right asleep. (He really does like sermons and talking on the radio...he falls asleep to Pastor Scott's sermons every week...he doesn't get that from us! Haha.) We got most of the way home without a drop of rain...then we got pelted with hail and tons of loud rain...so loud it woke Jaden up with a start, all alone in the back in his carseat. I can't even hear the radio at this point. He woke up crying, which in seconds turned to scared screaming. I felt so bad for him. I couldn't see a thing. Semi's were passing at 60 mph, I was trying to tell Craig where we were at because he was worried. We finally got home and Jaden still screamed for a while. He would cry every five minutes during his feeding. Poor baby boy. I felt so horrible. He woke up a few times after laying down, but he finally settled in and slept for 8 hours! He was exhausted from our shopping day on top of the scary storm. Now, we leave on vacation tomorrow and really get him out of sorts! At least I will WANT to come back from vacation just to get back to normal! :)
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