Jaden had a rough first holiday, but we survived it! We were in the car for a few hours over the weekend trying to get to all the relatives' get togethers, which he really isn't a fan of. He only got a few short naps here and there. When we got home Sunday night, he slept 7 hours, then 4. Then he took two 2 1/2 hour naps during the day, a 30 minute nap in the evening and slept another 7 hours the next night. WIPED OUT. :) This weekend is Aunt Sarah Wilson's graduation and Daddy's birthday. The next weekend is Mother's Day weekend. The week after that we leave for vacation in South Carolina! Poor baby, can't catch a sleep break over the weekends. We make up for it during the week though! We love our sleep! :) Grandma got us some CUTE outfits for vacation today. I cannot wait to put them on him and take some cute pictures. :)

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