
ENJOY! (Because I sacrificed TWO nap times to get all these picture uploaded and put on here)

First doctor's appointment:
Gained all his lost weight back in 3 days! WOW!

Jaden's First Bath!
What a face :)

How little he was in his bassinet at only a few weeks old:
Now he is starting to outgrow the bassinet!

Getting so big!
He likes his play land...I think he does anyway.
One of his last newborn outfits
(He only got to wear this one once! But on Saint Patrick's Day :)!)
Can't stop movin around :)


  1. So cute! I loved seeing those pictures! :) The first bath ones are some of my favorites... and I love that you have photos of how much he's grown in that bassinet! It gives great perspective! :)
    Thanks for the pictures friend!


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