Thanksgiving, Birthday, Christmas, and Moooove?!?!
We had a great first Thanksgiving this year. :) We spent most of the day by ourselves, which we found was fun and a good first memory, but the food just isn't the same without Grandma's touch. :) I made an Apple Honey Turkey Breast, which didn't get cooked all the way through so we only at the outside pieces, green bean casserole (turned out to be Craig's favorite), Stove Top stuffing, store bought rolls (which were kinda hard as rocks), mashed potatoes, and apple crisp (turned out to be my favorite). We watched the parade and football on tv, then left right after lunch to drive 3 1/2 hours to meet my mom and dad at Cracker Barrel in Terre Haute. We gave Dad his birthday gift and had a great time seeing them and catching up for a few hours. Then, we headed back and got some sleep before black friday!
Craig had to work, but I got up before he did to get some shopping done! I told myself the night before that if I woke up at 4 without an alarm then I would go fight the crowds. Sure enough, 4:00 came and I couldn't fall back to sleep. So I kissed Craig goodbye and headed out to the busiest stores in town...Walmart, Target, and Kohls. Basically, I found a few things I would have boughten, but I couldn't justify standing in line for 2 hours to pay for 3 small items. So, I left with nothing in hand. But, it was fun while it lasted.
Then, Craig's parents and sister came to stay with us for Friday and Saturday night. We had a great time with them shopping all weekend and celebrating my birthday at the Cheesecake Factory! We went to my new favorite fast food restaurant La Salsa and discovered my new favorite fancy restaurant PF Changs. We had a blast.
Craig surprised me with a combined birthday and Christmas gift...a new digital camera!!! I love it and can't wait to post lots and lots of pictures of my own (not from Craig's camera!). I have used it at the daycare and for our apartment Christmas decorating night. (Pictures below) My parents, Craig's parents, and my grandparents sent me money for my birthday, so I combined it all and bought a Wii Fit game! It is a fitness/exercise game that comes with a balance board, game, and exercise mat. It its a lot of fun and gets us both to do atleast some sort of exercise during the week. I haven't quite done it every day, but I am so glad we got it and it gives us a chance to compete against each other. Some of the stuff I can actually beat him hula hooping :)....others not so push ups. haha.
Craig and I have done some fun Christmas shopping in St. Louis. It is nice to have almost any store you desire within a few miles from you...and if that store doesn't have what you're looking for, just ask them to see if the next store down the road has it. :)
We decorated our apartment a little for Christmas. I was so excited to pick out the ornaments and stockings...Craig...not so much. :) We had fun setting it up. We got a nice 6 foot tree at Walmart for 25 dollars and some cheap but cute ornaments to put on it. When we got home, we popped in a movie and started to open the box, when I saw..."Oh no...we got the one with colored lights" We wanted to one with white lights. So, we decided to pack it back up and take it back in the morning. What a let down! :) We finally got the right tree and had a blast setting it up to Christmas music. :)
The biggest news (and most people that read this blog already have heard it) is that we are moving back to Indiana in a month!!! Yay! (I'm excited about it, can you tell?) We are looking forward to the move to Plymouth, but the struggle will be Craig's commission job and finding me a job. :) God is already providing for us though, so we can trust that He will work everything out for us. We will be coming home from Christmas eve until January 3rd to see family and look for apartments/housing. :) We can't wait to come home...Christmas will be even sweeter knowing we'll be back for good in 2 more weeks.
Well that's about it. Enjoy the pictures and I probably won't post until after Christmas (hopefully with pictures!), so have a great holiday!
Merry Christmas!!!
YEAH! When is the moving date? Get ahold of us when you are around so we can make plans to get together!!!!!!