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let us run

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..." Hebrews 12:1 This verse came alive as I sweated through my first 5K this weekend. Tears stung my eyes as I ran for Vision of Hope, thinking about the women who are fighting for freedom from sin and its hold on their lives. Watching my sister personally run her own race of life has been so painful to my heart over the past 12 years. Her journey has had its many mountains and valleys, treatment centers and ICU's, defeats of fear and doubt, victories of courage and faith. So at first I'm crying with memories of her in moments of weakness, pain, spiritual lows, so close to defeat. But then crying with joy of hope - not just at VOH - Hope for God's plan for her life, now AND in eternity. Then, HE started to speak. Mostly in the thoughts that came into my mind. I was running (on adrenaline and worship music) faster than  my normal, comfortable, preferred pace; and before even the first mile marker, I w...

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